Case Study #1
Like most counties, this client purchased static/non-movable roller shelving as they needed and the roller shelving would end up along walls in nearly any area they could find. You could find books in many separate rooms and on various levels of the building. Along with the large volumes of books other types of media continued to add to what was becoming an overwhelming storage issue.
The Solution: Tri-State Systems team understanding the business of the Clerk’s office knew exactly how to help. The plan was to get the books organized and centralized into the given space using high-density mobile storage. The logistics to make all that happen was part of Tri-State Systems tested and proven methods, skilled labor and specialized carts and equipment. The new system is user friendly, cost effective and has given back valuable floor space for other purposes.

Case Study #2
This Clerk was challenged with county records being stored inefficiently in boxes and spread across multiple areas making access to these records time consuming. With vital records being in several locations this increased exposure to damage or loss. There was no where else for the county to expand and store mission critical files.
The Solution: Tri-State Systems collaborated with the Clerk’s Office to develop a plan for a high-density file storage system. The Clerk’s office now has centralized, easy access, open shelf storage with plenty of space for current records and future expansion. The system has allowed the county to store more files in a smaller foot print with easier and faster access and less exposure to injury when compared to handling boxes and exposure to damage or loss. All of these benefits led to cost savings.

Case Study #3
Four drawer file cabinets were the go to solution for this client’s case files for more than a century; however, the Clerk’s Office dealt with daily issues as a result. The issues included the clumsiness of drawer files, inefficiency with accessing files, misfiles and inefficient use of valuable floor space. Like many other Clerk’s Offices these issues resulted in increased cost to maintain the mission critical records. This client did not have space for expansion despite increasing records volume and something had to be done.
The Solution: Tri-State Systems has worked with the Clerk’s office supplying file folders and services throughout the years. Tri-State Systems experts performed a thorough survey of the existing situation and developed a detailed plan for current and future records. The proposal included removing the four drawer files from the space to make way for a high-density mobile storage system. After the installation was complete, files were loaded onto open shelf case file carts and transported to the system by the installation team. The new system uses less floor space with increased storage capacity and allows for time and cost savings related to filing of records.